The word "good" can be used in a diversity of contexts:
Good - healthy and beneficial - (fresh fruit is good for you)
Good - free from pain or distress (to feel good)
Good - close or intimate (a good friend of mine)
Good - sufficient or ample (a good supply)
Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." However, we shouldn't stop there because verse 29 is tied into it which reads, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son..."
Predesigned or determined beforehand; that's what God does with our lives before we were conceived in our mother's womb. He then orchestras our lives accordingly, causing all things to work together for our good (benefit). It's up to us to find out what that purpose is and get in sync with Him concerning it. The promise of that scripture is only to those that love God and the Bible says, “if you love me, keep my commandments.” In order to be conformed into the image of His Son, suffering is evident.
I didn't realize until my mid-30’s, how the road the Lord was leading me down was specifically tied to His predetermined will for my life. My call is to women's ministry, but specifically musician's wives. Looking back, the seasons of pruning, shaping and buffing, make sense to me now and was for my good. It didn't always feel good (free from pain or distress), but it was good (beneficial) for me. Romans 8:28 doesn’t say for "our comfort," but for "our good.” Our comfort comes from trusting God.
I must pause here to interject this thought. Being married to a musician has not been bad. Far from it. It is nontraditional, unpredictable, self sacrificing and a tremendous amount of patience is vital; but definitely not all bad. Most of my good (close or intimate) friends are people I have met in this industry. Also, many good (an ample supply) things have happened for me and it’s only because of my connections, again in this industry. A special moment for me is watching my husband usher in the presence of the Lord with the other minstrels during a worship experience. That’s a priceless observation. There are many many others, but that’s one that I take really take delight in.
So chew on this. God is good. Life is good and all things are working together your our good.
Whomever this specific post is for, know that your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts. What you are experiencing right now may not be tied to the music industry at all. Actually, that facet of your life is on point and things are going very well. But there is something else looming. It’s uncomfortable and uncertain, but not impossible. However, at the appointed time, God is going to reveal to you why you had to come this way, and it’s all going to work out for your good. The pain is a part of the plan that is preparing you for your purpose. Keep trusting. Don’t give up. The end is near. Know that whatever is happening will only serve the purpose God has for you and enlarge your capacity to minister. At the end of day, it’s not about us. It’s about Him.
It’s for our good, but for His glory.
Thank you Kim for your words and confirmation of God's perfect plan and the way He does what He does.
ReplyDeleteDonna Stern (Toronto, Canada)
Kim, Did you have any really rough years? I have been married for 3 years and my husband just asked me for a seperation. I have not supported his lifestyle fully and he also thinks that I am unhappy because of it. I know that this choice is tough and It won't be an easy road but I haven't really put in as much effort as i should, I often live by fear. I am afraid I can't convince him that i believe he is the one i want to be with because he makes me happy. If you have an advice or anything that I can relate to I'd appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteKim this post is such a rhema word for me "right" now in my life! I also read your book and it is AMAZING! God is truly using you and your experiences, past and present, to minister to all women, not just musicians wives. Thank you for being a willing vessel.