Friday, October 5, 2012

The DNA of a Worshiper

Marvin was a worshiper.  He loved the Lord with all his heart.  He loved to worship as he played the drums for the King of kings and Lord of lords.  He often encouraged other musicians how important it is to worship and and have a relationship with Jesus, and that they should always pray before they play.

The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  (Proverbs 22:6)

We have two daughters, Marielle (19) and Simone (17).  Over the years, we have poured into them how important it is to have their own relationship with Jesus. We taught them the Word and lived it before them.  They saw their father worship on the drums when he played and knew it was a lifestyle for him.

As I stated in a previous blog, Marvin had been in and out of the hospital over the course of 5 years.   However, on Monday, September 10 he was admitted for the last time.

My mother-in-law had been staying with us to help care for him for several weeks prior. That Monday evening before leaving the hospital, she asked Marvin if he wanted her to stay with him, he responded, "Go home and get some rest."

The next morning, I headed to work and my mother-in-law went to the hospital.  She was going to take the morning shift to be with him, and I the evening shift.  Upon her arrival to the hospital the staff would not let her in his room.  Sometime around 8 am, Marvin informed the nurses he was having a hard time breathing so they proceeded to insert a breathing tube and his heart stopped beating.  They were able to revive him and placed him on a ventilator.  She called me to tell me what happened and the last thing she said to me was, "They are trying to save him."  I immediately left the church office where I work with one of our staff pastors and headed to the hospital.

While in the family waiting area we began to make phone calls and many came to the hospital. In addition to my husband getting better, my next concern was for my girls. I needed to tell them myself what was going on with their dad, and assure them we are all praying and believing that he pull through.  I didn't want them hearing it from anyone else, so I asked some friends to bring them to the hospital that evening so we could talk.

Around 7:58 pm my mother-in-law went to check on Marvin, but quickly returned where we were gathered to inform us that he "flatlined" and we needed to pray.  We began to intercede and pray for him.  Within moments the nurse came in to tell us what was going on, and said this would be a good time to discuss what he wishes are, but also that the situation was not hopeless.

My girls arrived at the hospital around 8:15 pm.  I immediately took them in a room to chat in private about the status of Marvin's condition.  As I headed towards the private room, the doctor beckoned for me. I asked him to wait a minute, because I needed to speak with my girls first.  Little did I know, my husband had already passed. Looking back, Marvin left, when our girls arrived.

I began to explain to Marielle and Simone what happened that morning; that his heart stopped, and how he'd been resuscitated.  I also shared with them that we're in this together and a lot of people are praying for him.  After we all cried, and they shared their feelings about what was happening, I told them the doctor needed to see me, and I'd be right back.

As I stood outside of Marvin's hospital room the doctor began to give me all of the specifics of what just occurred.  I can't t tell you anything he said but this, ..."And we worked on him for 30 minutes." I responded, "So he's gone?".  He said, "Yes, he's gone."  I didn't comprehend what the doctor was saying to me until I turned around and saw the hospital Chaplin. I looked at Marvin and didn't see any movement.  At that moment it started to sink in, but quickly became a reality when his sister let out a loud scream.  I immediately ran down the hall to where I left my girls because I knew if they heard her screaming they would realize he didn't make it.  As I entered the room where they were, the only thing I could get out of my mouth was, "Girls, he's gone."

Immediately, Simone lifted her hands, with tears running down her cheeks, she said, "Lord I thank you for the 17 years you have given me with my dad. Thank you for allowing him to be my dad. Thank you for his life.  Thank you Lord because You've been so good to us.  I honor You. I praise You. I magnify Your name.  You are worthy of all of praise. I love you Lord.  You are worthy of all the glory. Thank you for who You are."  Then she prayed, "Lord I thank you for my mom.  I honor her. Thank you for how she took care of my dad.  Thank you for strengthening her.  Thank you that my mom loved my dad..." etc.  Where she ended, Marielle began.  She too, worshiped, praised and honored God. Simone ended that moment by saying, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed it be the name of the Lord."

The only thing I could say was, "Wow! What a legacy."

My girls blew me away!  In one of the most earth shattering moments of their lives, all they could do was worship!  The only thing they had on their lips was a praise!  They didn't curse God, and they weren't made at God. They worshiped God!

That was the legacy of Marvin McQuitty.  Worship was in his DNA.

As we have begun the journey of our lives without him, I know we're going to be okay.  It will take some time to heal.  It will take some time to grieve, and it will take some time to adjust.  How long?  I don't know.  But what I do know is that we will continue to worship.  We will continue to bless the name of the Lord.  We will continue to praise and honor Him.  Because at the end of the day, it's all about Him and never about us.  Worship is in our DNA.


  1. Amazing, I saw he was a worshipper and it showed me how I should have a relationship with God so that it can take my worship on the drums to another level ... Thanks Marvin ... God bless you Kim, I read every single 1 and encourages me ...

  2. Thanks for sharing this Kim! God bless you and your girls...

  3. I'm a Jamaican - living in Jamaica. I love to play worship songs on you-tube while working and that's when I saw the sad news today. An overly curious person, I decided to track his illness/death and that's how I came to this page. As I came to the end of your writing tears came to my eyes... not for the death or home-going of Marvin but for the grace of God in your lives as a family. Your children are courageous and blessed! You are indeed a woman endowed with the power of God. May God continue to strengthen you all and may his soul rest in peace.
