Friday, March 12, 2010

"Lord, there must have been some misunderstanding..."

In 2002, Marvin had been on the road for several years. Although it was something I accepted as the "new normal" I was ready for a change.

During my prayer time one day, I asked the Lord to please make a way for him to come off the road. I began to explain to God how me and the girls needed him at home. We wanted him home more. I may have complained a little here and there in the prayer, but basically explained to God how I if He didn't already know. I then proceeded to tell God how patient I had been for several years, and that I'm believing for a different door to open.

After I was done praying and venting, the Lord spoke to me and said, "For the next year, every time Marvin comes home, have a card, and/or some expression of love for him." My response was, "Lord, there must have been some misunderstanding. I asked you to take him off the road." Not only did I know God spoke to me that day, I knew Marvin would be travelling for at least another year.

Desiring to be obedient, for the next year, every time Marvin came home there was a love note, card, his favorite candy, or love token, to know I'd been thinking about him while he was away. Also, how I was glad that he was out providing for the girls and I, and how happy I was to have him home. There were times I literally stopped at the store on the way to pick him up from the airport, and while he was unloading the car, I ran in the house to place my love token on the pillow.

I can't explain what that did in me and for our marriage. The act of obedience alone opened the door to many blessings, and the love between he and I was ignited.

What I walked away from that experience with was that God is more interested in changing me, than He is my circumstances. God wasn't going to release Marvin until His perfect will was accomplished in him and me. Approximately 18 months later, the Lord audibly spoke to Marvin and told him his days with the group he was playing with was over. That next door opened in God's timing, not mine.

As the songwriter penned these words..."You can't hurry God, you just have to wait..."

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