Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Help Meet Just For You

The other day, I met a musician/worship leader who's girlfriend of over three years left him.  She told him she could not deal with the grueling and demanding schedule and lifestyle of a musician, and chucked him the deuces.

I can truthfully say that if Marvin did not come packaged as he did, I probably would not have married him, so I can somewhat understand.

When he started full-time music ministry over 16 years ago, it was an extremely difficult transition for me.  It rocked my world, and plummeted me in to a state of depression.  Yes, I loved the Lord and continued to serve Him, but couldn't deny the dark place and state of mind I was in.

He left a full-time, great paying job with benefits, to go on the road.   I need security.  I function better as a wife and mother with some sense of security. Most women do. Therefore living from gig to gig with the ebbs and flows of the music industry was not what I envisioned for my life, and certainly not what I was accustomed to. Our marriage was on life support for many years.  

Marvin has a call on his life for what he does, however I fought it for several years making it hard for him.   I only viewed Marvin as a drummer, not a ministrel.  I never took into consideration what God wanted for our lives; only what felt good to me.

All in all,  it takes time for a woman to get to that place of understanding and the level of support needed to be by the side of a musician.

To the musician's who are reading this,  you do not want a wife who has not been called to be by your side.  It's hard enough being in the will of God, anything outside of that is next to impossible.   Please understand the hesitancy of women who say they are having a hard time with what you do.  The grace of God has to be on their lives to marry a man who is married to his music.  If I can speak for them, we need stability and security.  Neither one of those come packaged with most musicians.  

God will send you the wife He has tailor-made for you.  She will love you, support you, honor you and put up with you :-).  

Marriage is wonderful and there is a woman out there willing to be in harmony and do life with you. When she comes along, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, because God would have done a work in her and she will be all that you need and more.

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