Marvin and I are determined to live a debt free life. We pay for everything in cash and save up for the things we want to purchase. Trust me, this hasn't always been our mode of operation, but we've learned that if we wanted different results, we had to take different actions.
We own three paid for cars. They are older vehicles with high miles, but they are ours. At any given time, something can break down on either one of them. The other day, that's just what happened. The air conditioning went out in one car, and two days later another car. Texas is hot and not having AC is a precursor to what hell will feel like.
During that time frame, Marvin had two engagements. To get both cars up and running cost us over $2,500. The timing of the cars breaking down happened at the exact time when we had that amount of cash come in from his dates. My initial response was to bellyache about these expenses, but I opted to thank God for the provision and the ability to pay for them. I also reminded myself that we don't have car notes, so an expense here and there is still a blessing than having car notes on three vehicles.
We've experience many blessings like that over the years. God's timing is perfect! He knows what's up the road and makes provision for His children. We just have to trust Him which is what this faith walk of Christianity is all about.
If you are where you're supposed to be and doing what God called you to do, He will take care of you, period. No matter what it looks like. He's got your back. The way has already been made for what you're facing or going to face. Your Heavenly Father wants nothing short of the best for you and your family. There are many blessings of being called to the music industry and if we look around, they won't be hard to identify.
God will take care of you.
Thank you for that much needed encouragement. Oh!to be debt-free!!!! It's quite a goal but a path I'm undertaking.