Recently, I had the privilege of teaching on a subject that I don't think anyone enjoys doing...waiting. The Bible admonishes us to "wait on God" in several passages in scripture.
During my time of study, I could not help but think about my life as a musician's wife and how waiting comes with the territory. Waiting on his flight to land, waiting for the promoter to confirm the gig, waiting for Marvin to cut that last drum track so I can get some sleep, waiting for the check that is "in the mail."
However, in the grand scheme of things, waiting has its rewards. Had I not waited on God to bring His promises to pass in my life, I would be living a sub par lifestyle that is beneath the standard of what He had in store for me. I know that for certain!
Many times I wanted to walk away from it all, but the latter portion of
Galatians 6:9 which says, "in due season, you shall reap if you faint not", would strengthen me to remain. After experiencing those words leaping off the page at me on several occasions, I would collect my thoughts, dry my tears, and get back on the saddle.
Looking back, I know how God's grace is sufficient. While in a tough season of transition, I clearly recall saying, "God, I give up. I don't know what giving up means right now, but I give up." He then spoke to me and said, "Kim, if you give up now, everything you have gone through will be in vain." I took a mental examination of what I had been through, and at that moment I decided I wasn't going out like that.
If you're in God's waiting room right now, stay there. Don't get ahead of Him. Don't try to work things out on your own. Don't listen to everything everyone has to say about your situation. Just wait. Quietly, prayerfully, patiently, with faith and in expectation. Because suddenly, and not a minute late, He will turn the tide for you. God's timing is perfect and I promise you it will be worth the wait.
I know, I waited and I'm living in my Promise Land with more on the way.
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